Imprint / TOS


Data according to § 5 TMG

ecoestate GmbH

Ruhrstrasse 6, 10709 Berlin

Handelsregister: HRB 230622 B 

Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg

Represented by:
Herrn Loris Schumann

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Telefon: 030 629314350


Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:



Die Gewerbeanmeldung nach §34c GewO wurde erteilt durch Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf von Berlin

Angaben zur Berufshaftpflichtversicherung

Name und Sitz des Versicherers:
Allianz Deutschland AG, München

Geltungsraum der Versicherung:


Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit:
Unsere E-Mail-Adresse finden Sie oben im Impressum.



Wir sind nicht bereit oder verpflichtet, an Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen.



Liability for content

As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages according to Section 7, Paragraph 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG). According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, however, we as a service provider are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity.

Obligations to remove or block the use of information according to general laws remain unaffected. However, liability in this regard is only possible from the point in time at which knowledge of a specific infringement of the law is known. As soon as we become aware of any violations of the law, we will remove this content immediately.

Liability for links

Our offer contains links to external websites over which we have no influence. Therefore we cannot assume any liability for this external content. The respective provider or operator of the pages is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for possible legal violations at the time of linking. Illegal content was not recognizable at the time of linking.

However, a permanent control of the content of the linked pages is not reasonable without concrete evidence of an infringement. As soon as we become aware of legal violations, we will remove such links immediately.


The content and works on these pages created by the site operators are subject to German copyright law. The duplication, editing, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site are only permitted for private, non-commercial use.

Insofar as the content on this site was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are observed. In particular contents of third parties are marked as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we ask that you inform us accordingly. As soon as we become aware of legal violations, we will remove such content immediately.



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10709 Berlin


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Although the material contained in this website was prepared based on information from public and private sources that Ecoestate GmbH believes to be reliable, no representation, warranty or undertaking, stated or implied, is given as to the accuracy of the information contained herein, and Ecoestate GmbH expressly disclaims any liability for the accuracy and completeness of information contained in this website.

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Copyright © 2025 Ecoestate GmbH